When Accidents Happen, Depend on Customized Commercial Insurance Coverage for Roofers


Roofers live dangerously. Working on roofs every day gives your crew expertise at managing heights, but sometimes this experience lulls roofers into a false sense of security and accidents happen. In Ontario, any time workers are placed in a situation where they could fall more than three metres, they are required by law to wear fall-arrest gear. Unfortunately, workers often fail to follow this rule, and it only takes a single misstep or error in judgment for a serious injury to occur. There are dozens of examples of roofing accidents in Canada in the past several years; here are just a few:

·       A 53-year old roofer fell through an opening in the roof of a GoodLife Fitness gym in Windsor, sustaining life-threatening injuries.

·       A roofer in his 30’s died after a fall from a roof on a new building he was finishing in north Edmonton.

·       A 31-year-old man died from a fall after shovelling snow from a roof under construction in North Rawdon, NS.

·       A roofer died in Etobicoke after falling from a roof he was working on near Lakeshore and 11th Street.

·       In British Columbia, a roofer died after falling through the skylight of former premier Gordon Campbell’s house during renovations.


When accidents happen, having adequate insurance coverage is crucial. If you are buying insurance for a roofing company, you need to make sure that it provides full coverage for property, equipment (loss, theft, and damage, including rented equipment,) vehicles, materials, general liability, fines due to inability to meet deadlines due to insurable incidents, and, of course, group accident coverage for your employees.


Customized Commercial Insurance Makes a Difference


Customized insurance is designed specifically for your business and its particular needs. That means that your broker thoroughly spends the time to get to know your business inside-out, from the office to the worksite. Next, a comprehensive risk management analysis is conducted. When this is done, the resulting report may have suggestions about ways that your company can reduce its exposure to risk.


At the end of this assessment process, your broker will work with you to find an insurance company that will create a customized policy. It will be designed to protect your business using the information gleaned about the kinds of jobs you do, the way it operates, and the risks inherent to all construction contractors.


When your broker and your insurance company understand the challenges and threats you face in terms of risk coverage, they can help you secure options that fit your needs.


Choosing an Insurance Company



Finding the right brokerage to partner with is the key to peace of mind. Like any good relationship, the broker/client partnership must be built on trust. Your broker trusts you to tell the truth about the business and its activities. And you are, in essence, trusting your broker with your business, your livelihood, and the welfare of your employees. 


When selecting an insurance brokerage, ask questions about the company’s philosophy, and core values. Be honest and transparent about your activities, your employees, and your operating budget. Make sure that you can communicate easily with the broker, and that you have the basis for a good working partnership.


Contact a broker that specializes in customized commercial insurance coverage for roofers today, and learn more about its many advantages.

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  • Right insurance program.
  • Right insurance company.
  • Right price.
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